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TR6 No Brakes

Subject: TR6 No Brakes
From: "Ross Fox" <>
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 22:20:29 -0500 FILETIME=[89B9B720:01C0B991]
Thanks to those who responded to my previous inquire about the loss of 
brakes in my 75 TR6.  The consensus was that the hydraulics need to be 
rebuilt.  My question now regards the brake servo.  If the brake fluid leaks 
into the servo, does the servo need to be rebuilt also?  I would presume it 
does, but the fellow at BPNW implied that it can not and needs to be 
replaced.  Interestingly, my Bentley Manual makes no mention of rebuilding 
the servo.  The Haynes manual does, but stresses replacing the diaphragm -- 
the fellow at BPNW said this can not be done in the "home workshop".

Any advice?

75 TR6

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