How 'bout using another motor as a vacuum source? run a line from
the manifold on the 'donor car' through a flow restrictor to a small valve
arranged to bleed in air to the desired 10" of Hg. As long as the donor car
runs at a steady idle, the vac. level should stay fairly high. tweak the
valve to bleed in some air downstream of the restrictor, and continue the
connection to your vac. port of interest. Might work, certainly cheep!
Bob Westerdale
59 3A TS36967
Subject: vacuum pump
I'm looking for a small vacuum pump as part of a PI electronic control
experiment. I'm trying to supply more vacuum to the metering unit than is
normally provided by the manifold. As a result I need very small volume of
air moved at a maximum of 10 inches of mercury vacuum.
Although Jegs has vacuum pumps they are of the large and expensive variety
(designed to evacuate large block Chevy's when running).
I was thinking that the inlet to an adjustable air shock pump might work,
however, I have no experience with these beasts.
Any suggestions?
Lee Janssen
Clueless in Denver
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