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Two TR3a frame questions

Subject: Two TR3a frame questions
From: a Wallace <>
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 22:40:52 -0500
Already I am experiencing the folly of stubbornly denying the degradation 
of one's memory after 40. As I know I am in good (some would go so far as 
to say "very good"!) company, I trust y'all will bail me out as I try to 
reassemble my totally disassembled 1960 3a. I do expect the quantity, 
though in all probability not the quality, of my questions to the list to 
increase, so hereby ask for your patience in advance...
Here goes:
a) regarding the "X" section of the frame - the central box has a large 
hole on the front side for the exhaust pipe to enter, but two holes on the 
rear side, one for the exhaust to exit, and the other for ?
b) the front left leg of the "X" has what appears as a dent in the top just 
ahead of the crossmember mounting location. Said leg has a "C" 
cross-section, so I am referring to a bent-down portion of the top i.e. 
horizontal part of the "C". It looks too perfect to be there due to some 
PO's clumsiness - does it need to be there? If so, what mounts in such 
close proximity?
Jim Wallace

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