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Truffles purrs! Thanks!

Subject: Truffles purrs! Thanks!
From: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 12:23:29 -0330
Hello folks,

Just wanted to report in on last night's triumph.  As some of you know, last
fall I discovered that my newly purchased TR6 had engine Troubles.  Last
night my mechanic and I fired it up for the first time since its major

We primed the engine and turned it over a few times.  Oil gushed out of the
new oil filter adaptor because I had forgotten to actually connect the new
filter to it (I was still glowing in the satisfaction of having put on the
adaptor All By Myself).  But the new oil pump was obviously working.  So I
connected the filter and then we did it again - but I was to keep my finger
over some hole or other.  I couldn't keep it there because there was too
much pressure.  Little did I know that that was the sign of excellent oil

So with a few sprays of gas into the newly cleaned up carbs, I took the
remote starter and pressed.

What a sound!  The engine is alive, it's healthy and it's rarin' to get back
into the car.  Oh, and it's beautiful too.  The engine's been painted bright
red and the various bits and pieces hanging off it are painted either silver
or black.

Tonight the car gets an under-the-bonnet paint job.  Next week the
engine/tranny and car are to be reunited in what I'm sure will be a most
touching ceremony.  I can't decide what to wear.

None of this would have been possible without the help of this list.
Truffles and I thank you.
Truffles 73 TR6

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