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TR6 - No brakes

Subject: TR6 - No brakes
From: "Ross Fox" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 14:42:37 -0500 FILETIME=[3FFFE8A0:01C0B308]
Hello lister,

Well, it's 65 degrees in indianapolis today.  Thought it was time to bring 
the TR6 out of hibrination.

Chaged the oil, put air in the tires, and fired her up.  Thanks to Die Hard, 
after a few cranks the engine came to life.  Only problem was when I put my 
foot on the brake, the peddle went to the floor without hesitation.

Turns out the brake fluid resovoir was completely empty.  Filled it with 
DOT3 (new bottle of same stuff I've been using for years) but no change.  I 
can't identify any obvious leaks in the system -- sure there are a few drops 
of scattered oil benieth the car, but actually it looks quite dry (but then 
the brake fluid may have leaked out months ago).

By the way, the brake warning light does not illuminate once the car is 
started.  The bulb at least works because it illuminates with the ignition 
on but the car not started.

How should I start to trouble shoot this?  Maybe I should try to bleed the 
brakes next.  Any thoughts would be welcome.

75 TR6

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