Mark :
According to my Haynes Weber/SU/ZS manual, the float level measurement
should be between 0.126 and 0.189 inches for all HS-series carbs. On an
all plastic float, this is measured between the float body and the _rim_
of the lid, with the lid inverted, and the float resting on the needle
"However, where an all-plastic float is fitted, it will be necessary to
increase or decrease the washer thickness under the needle seat."
You might ask TRF if they have the metal lever floats ...
I've attached a copy of the diagram (which will go directly to Mark, but
not to the list). If anyone else wants a copy, let me know.
"Evans, Mark" wrote:
> Does anyone know the correct procedure specific to measuring float adjustment
> the SU HS6? Where to measure the gap? Gap measurement?
[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of Fig
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