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Re. TR4 or 4 .edu>

Subject: Re. TR4 or 4 .edu>
From: "Kevin O'Driscoll" <>
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 08:38:32 -0500 (EST)
As alluded to by others, the frame on a 4A is quite distinct from those on
the TR2-4s, it being adapted for the IRS option.  However, my 4A came on
an early TR4 frame, probably as a result of a previous restoration step, 
so it is not an absolute. There are also many differences in suspension,
trim and engine parts, including the intake manifold.  The problem is that
almost all of these parts including the frame are interchangable and that
there was a fair amount of substitution even during manufacture. TR4A's
had short neck radiators, long intake manifolds, and SU carbs
were used on late TR4A's for instance from the factory, and TR4A's also
had the obvious trim signals on the front fenders and a slightly different
trim arrangement on the rear deck behind the cockpit. 

I happen to have compiled an article, or more accurately a jumble of
information from the list contributors on this very subject on my still
nascent website (I still haven't gotten around to editing that
particular piece unfortunately). It's been taken liberally but with
attribution from the triumph list.


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