Dale Neidhammer wrote:
> 1. Just what should I be looking for wrt to manuals
> and catalogs?
> 2. Are all of these manuals still in print?
> 3. If not, what sources have you all used to obtain out
> of print material?
> 4. What kind of prices are reasonable for out of print
> material?
Dale, I was afraid you'd gone and bought an MG. Did you
notice the post about the TR4 in the Orvis catalog? See,
your hobbies all come together. ;-)
1. for both TR4/4A and TR6, the Bentley manuals are
excellent. For the TR6, the TRF catalogs are probably
the best documentation anywhere, thanks to their great
exploded parts diagrams.
The TR6 catalogs aren't free from TRF unless you order
$50 worth of swag. For the TR4 I think TRF only has the
glovebox companion, most parts are there, and not
surprisingly you can jam it in your glovebox.
I also download the Moss catalog for the TR4, though I use
a local shop that's a Moss distributor (free shipping). I get
the Victoria British catalog, but have never ordered.
Finally, you could snag the Practical Classics book about
TR6 restoration, I see them in most big chain bookstores.
If nothing else, it will scare you off from basket cases. But it
does cover the "what to look for" part very well. Of course,
you'll find similar stuff at http://www.vtr.org without the scary
2. Bentley's 'The Complete Official Triumph TR4 & TR4A'
is available for $55 online (as above). It includes the driver's
handbook, workshop manual, and competition prep book.
Great value, especially if you buy it before you decide which
car. Um, it won't fit in the glovebox ;-) so you'll need to get
the "actual" driver's handbook reprint later. I pull my
driver's handbook out for valets so they can find reverse
and work the handbrake.
The TR6 manual is $60 from the publisher, same story.
3/4. I don't think you'll need any of the out of print stuff. The
good stuff is all available. I have the TR4 buyers guide
from a British car mag last year; I'll scan it For Educational
Or Research Purposes Only if I can figure out our office
scanner. You may be able to get a back issue of that.
Steven Newell
Denver, CO
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