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RE: tranny & engine question - TR6

Subject: RE: tranny & engine question - TR6
From: Scott Tilton <>
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 12:39:15 -0800 (PST)
Peter Zaborski Wrote:

>Hmmm, no disrespect to the mechanic, but what kind of "adjustment" 
>is there in a TR6 clutch? I thought hydraulic clutches were self adjusting. 

Well . . not exactly.

The TR-6 came with a self adjusting hydraulic clutch.  
So  . . . the mechanic might be due a little disrespect.

The earlier TRs, however had a hydraulic clutch that required adjustment.  
They use a return spring that always pushes the slave cylinder piston back into
the bottom of its bore.  
The rod between the piston to the arm on clutch cross shaft could be adjusted
to different lengths.  
If it is adjusted too short, the release bearing is pulled too far away from
the clutch and pedal movement is wasted.  If it is adjusted too long, the
release bearing maintains contact with the clutch even when the pedal is all
the way up.  If it were adjusted much too long. . . there could actually be
preload on the clutch and the slightest touch of the pedal would cause it to

It is ironic that this topic comes up now. . . after replacing the clutch in my
TR-6 this weekend, I found that the release bearing is staying in contact with
the clutch springs even when my foot is off the pedal.

I am pretty sure this is because my cross shaft was a little tight in the
tranny bell housing.
The extra friction isnt allowing it to rotate back away from the pressure
My dumb mistake.

So my solution is going to be to put in an early TR type return spring and
adjustable length rod.

Can anyone do me a favor and tell me how long a TR-6 slave cylinder rod is.
Im working on the car on the weekends and dont have access to it during the
I could buy the 5/16 rod and thread one end of it during the week, all I need
to know is how long to make it.


Scott Tilton
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