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A good read, and a funny movie

Subject: A good read, and a funny movie
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 13:33:36 EST
Just finished reading Peter Egan's latest paean to his past in the latest 
(Apr 01) Road & Track. Fun read....TR3 aficionados will enjoy it the most. I 
think the long winter must be getting to Mr. Egan.

Also...last night was the Lost Drive-In's (Speedvision) presentation of a 
very funny Mickey Rooney early early film entitled 'Drive a Crooked Road' (I 
think that was the title!). The best part of the movie was the Hillman 
convertible, the MG TD (or was that a TF?), and the numerous early Jaguars in 
the garage where "Eddie" worked as a mechanic. Also some priceless scenes of 
early beach life in and around Malibu Beach. Great stuff.

Hey...I'm getting cabin fever also. 60 degrees Friday, snowing today. 
Argggg...where is spring????
Larry m
TR250 in Changeable Colorado

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