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RE: Dash refinishing

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>, " " <>
Subject: RE: Dash refinishing
From: "Eric Conrad" <>
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2001 22:34:31 -0700
I'm glad others are finding this veneer dealer.  I posted a link to the list
about a month ago for B&B Rare Woods, in answer to the "Where should I go
for XXXXX type of veneer."  I purchased my dashboard veneer from B&B - they
are located in Lakewood, Colorado (suburb of Denver).  I spent a number of
hours in his shop, looking through the different veneers, learning some
"tricks-of-the-trade", ....  I would recommend B&B to anyone interested in
purchasing veneer for any small project.  The link again, is:  I also understand that he commonly
does mail-order sales as well.  I chose the English Sycamore fiddle back
cut.  It's going to look great once the car is finished!


Michael Porter writes:   Every once in a while, someone asks about veneer
for dash reworks, and I
usually say, try Constantine's, since that's one of the places I've
dealt with in the past. But, in doing some web searches, I came across
this place:

The company is B&B Rare Woods. Never have used it, but if they have in
stock what I want, I'm going to try an order with them. Their selection
is enormous, the prices are quite reasonable, and they sell retail. They
have a complete photo gallery, but not all items shown seem to be in
stock at all times. It's worth a look if you like wood. The Italian burl
walnuts they show are pretty amazing.

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