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RE: Rotor and Caps Question

To: Don Clark <>,
Subject: RE: Rotor and Caps Question
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Wed, 31 Jan 2001 09:52:26 -0800
Don :

One thing to check for is that your plug wires are healthy.  I recommend
checking them with an ohmmeter, and replacing any wire that reads over 10K.

A local club member had exactly the same problem with his TR4A on the way
back from VTR last summer, turned out that one of his plug wire resistors
had come apart.  When the path through the rotor got 'shorter' than the path
through the broken resistor, the spark would jump through the brand-new
rotor, leaving a carbon track that made it easier to jump next time.
Eventually, the spark would always jump through the rotor and the engine
wouldn't run at all.

I've never had a rotor fail, but I'm definitely going to carry a spare from
now on.


Don Clark wrote :
>  The short story is that the rotor was bad,
> despite the fact
> that it looked fine!

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