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TR4 Front Suspension Update

To: "Michael Furgeson" <>
Subject: TR4 Front Suspension Update
From: "Brian Sanborn" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 13:03:48 -0500
Cc: "Triumph List" <>

Well after 3 weeks of PB Blaster soaking, heat and vise grips to
no avail... I finally got the rusty sleeves off the lower inside
wishbone pivots. I was getting worried that I would have to use
the Dremel wheel and cut them off.

I had bought a wrench at Sears that the sales guy recommended
with no luck.  I bought one of those strap wrenches that grab
round things... still no luck.  I just could not get a grip on
the steel sleeve with any leverage so I could break the rust
bonding.  I went out and stocked up on Dremel cut-off wheels and
a new set of cold chisels.  I was worried about damaging the
pivot shafts under the sleeves with a lot of violence.

The trick was so simple...  came to me in flash of straight
thinking.  I used a "RIGID" brand 12" pipe wrench I already
had... like a Stilson wrench.  It has sharp teeth in the jaws
that are designed grab onto iron plumbing pipe and  the jaws
tighten as you pull hard.  If I got it adjusted just right... the
teeth dug in on the steel sleeve and made it turn.  Then I was
able to move it with a set of vise grips.  To get it move off the
shaft I used a big screw driver to push against the vise grips as
I turned the sleeve up and down.

It is so simple when you know how.

Brian Sanborn
'62 TR4  CT16260L soon to be "O" - Groton, MA

My TR4 Restoration Web Site

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