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Update on

To: <>
Subject: Update on
From: "Adrian Dix-Dyer" <>
Date: Sun, 28 Jan 2001 02:26:20 -0000
To the list,

Thanks to the listers that have responded to my warning. I hope I have
replied to all individually and not missed anyone out.

A quick update, if anyone is interested,

Mark Rossel aka has threatened me with police action
because I have sent out a few emails. I see it now Stallone coming to UK,
guns blazing to sort me out... as if???

OK I admit I called him an asshole this morning but that is not too bad is
it? I was fuming when I opened the mail.
There again it may be something to do with the fact that I emailed all his
bidders on all his auctions and gave them the same warning as I gave the

This guy is selling counterfeit goods and that is fraud. His eBay
description clearly states that it is a new manual, photocopy is not
mentioned. In my book he is a fraudster. If he had agreed to a full refund
none of this would be nessesary.

I will keep you posted. (not much LBC is it? No flames please.....)

TR4A CT64306 O

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