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RE: Fuel Pump Question

To: Brian Ruess <>
Subject: RE: Fuel Pump Question
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 08:09:09 -0500
Cc: "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by Brian Ruess
>More seriously, I envy your problem and have only ever had the opposite
problem.  If a mechanical restrictor is too expensive and the life of the
current fuel pump is not the issue, how about a hose clamp around the line
between the pump and the carb which you could gradually tighten,
flow, until you obtain a proper output pressure.  Note, this could
eventually fry your pump.

The problem with a restriction is that the pressure drop is a function of
flow.  If the restriction is sized for full flow there will be little or no
pressure drop at idle and the problem returns.  If the restriction is sized
for low flow conditions there will be insufficient pressure at high speed
conditions.  The only way to make a restriction work is to put a return
line to the tank so that that flow overwelms the fuel delivered to the
carbs.  And even then the pump capacity changes over the varying engine
speed will foul up the calculation.

Sorry to say it but the only real workable solution is to buy (there's that
word again) a fuel pressure regulator.


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