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powder-coat tip

To: <>
Subject: powder-coat tip
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Wed, 24 Jan 2001 08:23:21 -0500
Cc: <>
Listers who are doing P/C at home a good tip for refinishing wheels, when
coating steel wheels always turn the front side upside down and spray into
it so as the powder does not build up where the 2 sections are riveted
together, this area gets hotter for some reason quicker and when coating
with the wheel laying flat and spraying from the top you get twice as much
powder so when curing it "Bubbles-up" ruining your finished product. For you
guys that have my patented <g> wheel adapter, place the back side of the rim
up and spray up through the grates onto the front side, the excess powder
will fall straight down. Hope this is clear to you, I read it back over and
have no idea what the heck it it means.  "FT"

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