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TR4 fan replacement

Subject: TR4 fan replacement
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 2001 15:04:11 EST
Fellow Listers;

    It is almost time for my 62 TR4 to finally be roadworthy.  This would not 
be possible without the help and assistance of this list and its members.  I 
found the answers to many of my technical problems either through a current 
thread or from a search of the archives.  But I have not found an answer to 
my current problem in the archives.

    I recently purchased a used yellow 8 blade fan to replace the tired old 
stock unit.  It was advertised at auction as an early TR6 fan that would fit 
a TR4.  For radiator clearance I planed to mount the fan inverted, and I 
understand that this is possible.  I removed the radiator, took off the old 
fan, and much to my surprise the diameter of the hub extension is greater 
than the recess in the inverted fan.

    Do I have the wrong fan?  Can I reduce the diameter of the hub extension? 
 Do I need a different hub extension?

    The fan does fit and bolt holes match when mounted normally, but there is 
not enough clearance for the radiator.  Advice and suggestions appreciated.


Bill Grubb
62 TR4  

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