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Why triumph won't be back.

To: "Michael D. Porter" <>, "Gary Nafziger" <>
Subject: Why triumph won't be back.
From: "Paul J. Burr" <>
Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2001 10:21:34 -0500
Cc: <>
References: <> <>

Because a lot people want glorified station wagons!
Think about it . The entire SUV craze comes down to selling 4 wheel drive
stain wagons to people who think they're too cool to been seen dead in a
You get sold the image of a rugged off road truck. The reality is that most
these owners "off - roading" happens when they flip them over going around
corners that ANY car could handle with ease. SUV owners always chime in
with: " I got 4 drive for the snow!" C'mon!!!
Here in the Northeast, how many days of the year are you going to use the
4WD on public roads? 2 or 3 tops? So the other 362 days a year you're making
payments, wearing out, and wasting gas with  the unused 2 extra driving
wheels. Ahhh....but your macho sense of "I'm rugged and stylish." is soothed
buy all that wastefulness.
But,  people have bought this image hook, line, and sinker.
If they were demanding 4 cyl. roadsters, every car company would offer them
The manufacturers love it- the markup on a SUV makes them their most
profitable line of product.

Paul Burr
I Rant, I Rave, I run for cover
'74 TR6
'88 Chevy Eurosport Wagon!!!!
(best TR parts fetcher EVER!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael D. Porter" <>
To: "Gary Nafziger" <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: triumph baack

> Gary Nafziger wrote:
> >
> > Can someone address this question?
> >
> > How come we can get 8 or 9 thousand dollar hyundia's
> >
> > but we can't get 8 or 9 thousand dollar cars like that with the top cut
> >
> > I don't seems a niche for a new triumph would be a
> > car like that in roadster style.........ok maybe in the 10 to 11
> > price range......
> Because it would look and drive like a Hyundai with the roof cut off....
> <smile>
> Cheers.
> --
> Michael D. Porter
> Roswell, NM
> [mailto:]
> `70 GT6+ (being refurbished, slowly)
> `71 GT6 Mk. III (organ donor)
> `72 GT6 Mk. III (daily driver)
> `64 TR4 (awaiting intensive care)
> `80 TR7 (3.8 liter Buick-powered)

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