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Re: Is Triumph coming Back???

Subject: Re: Is Triumph coming Back???
From: "Joseph R. Schneider" <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2001 21:50:24 -0600
At 10:19 PM 1/11/01 -0500, you wrote:

 >Since this all a list of opinions...
 >(snip) The 4-8 series were not
 >attractive.  The Italia is undiluted Michelotti <sp?>, and as such is a
 >beautiful car.  The Spitfire was allowed to keep the delicate lines that I
 >think were hallmarks of Michelotti's work.  The others were pretty heavily
 >bastardized in there own right for economy sake.

point(s) of clarification, TR4 was Michelotti as well and, as I recall, the 
TR3 (agreeably a beautiful car) was not- Personally, I love the TR4-250 
look (but my Triumph IS a Spitfire)
as Greg Petrolati once told me when describing his TR4 "It screams 60s 
sports car", for their era all the TRs were great lookers (yes, I include 
the TR7-8, we'd all love to have one galvanized with a modern 
electronically fuel injected 2.5-3 liter engine, wouldn't we?)
the most important thin about Triumph in my view is that no Triumph was a 
copy of anything else

Joseph R. Schneider, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Vascular Surgery
Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago, IL, USA 

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