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Re: PB Blaster vs SiliKroil

Subject: Re: PB Blaster vs SiliKroil
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Tue, 02 Jan 2001 22:09:02 -0800
References: <>
'Ketone' is the name for a whole class of chemicals, with differing
properties.  I'm not familiar with Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (the one in
Mouse Milk), but I don't know of any of them that are considered
carcinogenic.  From reading the MSDS, I'd say Mouse Milk is pretty mild,
as dangerous chemicals go, less hazardous than gasoline for instance. 
Occasional exposure should not be a problem, although I wouldn't want to
take a bath in it every day.

After all, even a cup of water can kill you.

And, the one factor that is common to all cancers is life.  If you want
an absolute guarantee that you will never get cancer, just get rid of
your life.  Otherwise, there are no guarantees.

Randall wrote:
> This stuff has Ketone in it. I thought that
> Ketone gave you cancer ???  NOT to start another long thread, but cancer can
> really screw up your day !!!!

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