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Re: TR-6 Tail-Lights

Subject: Re: TR-6 Tail-Lights
From: Joseph J Burlein <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 21:07:45 -0500
One thing as an alternative.  I used the NOVUS plastic 3-step process to
get the years of crud off instead of the buffing wheel.  Worked great. 

Joe Burlein
72 TR-6

PS:  I also used the Eastwood reflective aluminum paint.  It also did a
great job.

On Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:54:58 -0400 bob <> writes:
> Patrick:
> I just happen to have completed the same project on my 75 TR6. I
> purchased new lens to lens frame gaskets as well as body to lens 
> frame
> gaskets.  I assume you did the same.
> I did not use any RTV/silicone/sealer. As long as the mating 
> surfaces
> are smooth and clean, there is no need for any goop.  When you screw 
> the
> frames back in place from inside the trunk, tighten each screw down 
> so
> that about one quarter of the gasket is compressed.  This also keeps 
> the
> gap uniform and factory new in appearance.
> I'd like to pass on some additional things I did during this project
> which you may wish to consider, since everything is already apart. 
> Wash
> your lenses in detergent and then buff them using a buffing wheel 
> and
> the appropriate color rouge. Use a loose string buffing wheel. If 
> you
> don't have access to a buffer, polish the lenses with a mild 
> polishing
> compound by hand. You won't believe what a difference it makes.  
> While
> the assemblies are off, repaint the light reflectors using silver or
> chrome paint. Eastwood sells a specific color for this task, but I
> bought a can of chrome spray paint at Home Depot and got excellent
> results. The last thing I did, as a preventative measure, was (with 
> the
> battery disconnected) used emery cloth and an emery board nail file 
> to
> clean all the electrical connections, including the ground in the 
> trunk.
> Sorry I answered more than your question, but I like to pass on 
> things
> when they work well for me.
> Bob Fabie
> Fredericksburg, Va

Joe Burlein
72 TR-6
Melbourne, FL

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