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Re: It's ugly here now

To: "Trevor Boicey" <>, "Mitchel Seff" <>
Subject: Re: It's ugly here now
From: "Phil Ethier" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2000 20:15:11 -0600
Cc: "triumph mail list" <>
From: Trevor Boicey <>

>  Wait until it snows 8 inches on about five consecutive days, and
>you can't even see your tires or headlights because the snow is too
>  Then wait for people from southern areas to say "Why don't
>you drive your TR in the snow? I drive mine all the time in
>the snow, it handles great!".
>  You see, there is "snow", and there is "SNOW!".

I don't mind the snow.  I really don't.  I like driving in snow.

What I can't stand is the all the black sandy salty abrasive wet sludge in
my garage.  Virtually all of it caused by my employer (city public works)
and other municipalities and the state.  I'm sick to death of the tons of
abrasive, corrosive crap that they put on the roads.

Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
1970 Lotus Europa, 1992 Saturn SL2, 1986 Suburban, 1962 Triumph TR4 CT2846L
"It makes a nice noise when it goes faster"
- 4-year-old Adam, upon seeing a bitmap of Grandma Susie's TR4.

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