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Re: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?

Subject: Re: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2000 09:20:22 -0800
References: <>
I must've missed the original post.  

I drive a 40 year old car with the original harness to work everyday. 
My car has it's share of problems, but very few of them are harness
related.  The few that are, are connector failures.  I've never had a
wire fail.

So IMO, if reliability is the goal, you're better off spending your time
and money elsewhere (like new switches, new fuel tank, etc.).  Besides,
if you carry a few clip leads in the trunk, it's trivial to hotwire a
TR3 enough to drive whereever you're going.

59 TR3A daily driver

francois wildi wrote:
> Just for the peace of mind (and considering the cost of a failure in
> the middle of nowhere a day when you really do have to go somewhere)
> I would not consider fixing a harness that is around 40 years old.
> Whether your have a daily driver or a trailer queen, the last thing
> you want is an unreliable motorcar.

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