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Stag for Sale in Houston TX

Subject: Stag for Sale in Houston TX
From: "Sherman D. Taffel" <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 14:03:35 -0400
Organization: @Home Network
I say this post on the Jensen List today, maybe someone is interested:

Sherman Taffel
2 Jensens
4 Jags
Subject: Non Jensen, Triumph Stag for sale
From: <>
Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 10:40:45 +0100

I received this mail from a guy with whom I've got a regular mail contact
for mercedes brake parts, I don't know anything more then is written in
this mail. I know it's not a Jensen, but quite british (and for that reason
interesting?) I would say.

 Do you know anyone who collects Triumphs?  A friend of mine ended up with
one as part of a divorce settlement, and she wants to sell it to someone
who would appreciate the car.  It is a 1974 Triumph Stag.  Red. Original
Triumph V-8 engine, Automatic Transmission.  Hardtop and New Unmounted
Convertible Top.  Wire Knock-offs.  Houston, TX area.  $6500/BRO
If you could pass the word it would be appreciated.(

Lion Ruizenaar Frankfurt-Germany
JH 20502
Citroen DS21
Saab 96

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