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Re: TR6: J-type overdrive

To: Trevor Boicey <>
Subject: Re: TR6: J-type overdrive
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2000 16:10:30 -0500
Cc: Triumphs <>, Paul Mitchell <>, "Bowen, Patrick" <>
Message text written by Trevor Boicey
>  There is also a much less spectacular reason for this.

  The hydraulic pump in the overdrive that engages
the planet gears is driven at shaft speed, which is
directly related to road speed since this is
after the tranny.

  The slower your car is going, the less pumping the
pump does.

You would have to be going very slow indeed for this to be an issue.   I
have engaged my O/D at 10 MPH (in 3rd - as a test) and other than the
actuate time it engaged fine.  Since the pump is a positive displacement
pump the pressure eventually developed is governed by the pressure relief
valve (unless there is a leak).

But it does take considerable longer to engage overdrive when going slow.

Dave Massey

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