>For all those wishing to sign off....
Here is (what I think) is a good reason NOT to.
8:00am Calaveras County, low fog and 37 degrees.
9:30am Same Place no fog, 43 degrees
10:00am Valley Springs, Calaveras county, Clear and 55 degrees.
Casper is decked out in his Calaveras County Volunteer Unit
signs, a flashing Amber strobe on the fresh air Vent, and a big green
bow hung from the badge bar. All set to lead the Volunteer cars in
the annual Christmas parade, now Valley Springs is not what you might
call a thriving Metropolis, and the parade route is only 5 blocks
long, but with AnnaBelle dressed in Red, and I in my Green Volunteers
uniform we are busy waving and acknowledging the crowd, lots of "Nice
Car" comments, several Mothers pointing out "Casper" to the Kids, I
am ignoring the constant red glow from the ignition light that is
telling me the charging system is not working, and just enjoying the
Moral of the story? Not much, but shouldn't it be enough for
all of us to just sit back and "enjoy the ride", no matter where it
takes us.
Merry Christmas
Bill Pugh
aka Wily
1957 TR-3
aka Casper