For all those wishing to sign off....
Don't you realize that you are accomplishing exactly what the Nathan Aldous
And, as one of the listers said, so what if there is a bit of off-subject? A
party is lots of conversations! I don't like to go to parties that are composed
of a single interest. When a group of us from the local British Car Club get
together, you can bet that talk of our cars is about as low on the list as it
get! I, and all of the members, would find a five hour conversation on our cars
about as BORING as it could be!
As to the content to the list, many have interesting comments, and lots of
personal experience with particular problems. To say the least, after the 16th
reply to the same question about adjusting an SU carb, I think I have already
used the "delete" key 15 times! Is this a waste of the list? Should we ban the
3rd response, since it is now a waste of band-width!? I don't think so! I just
delete them....with NO CRITICISM.
Cheers. wrote:
> In a message dated 12/01/2000 2:03:53 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> << me too....Gaby
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, December 01, 2000 10:42 AM
> Subject: How to Remove from the list
> >
> > I need to know how to get off the list?
> >>
> Objection your honor, asked and answered by the honerable Phil.
> send a message with unsubscribe ...oh heck or it is
> unsubscribe triumphs, or unsubscribe triumphs@autox....well I tried to help.
> If you must go away, don't go away mad, but look back in your e-mails (we all
> save 'em all don't we?) and the first one from Mark tells you how.
> RH...sniff...I'll miss those guys..........