I had forgotten about this until the recent post. When I was about 15 I bought
a car for $35 with a friend. It wouldn't start but I lived at the top of a nice
long hill, so used to push it to the end of the driveway, put it in "D", and
down the hill I'd go. It started every time that way.
Strange car too. The automatic was set up instead of P R N D L, with something
like P R D N L, or some other mixed up configuration.
It was about a 1960 Standard-Triumph Ensign, the only one I ever saw. I did get
as far as to order a workshop manual from England; Mr. Gillis in Ireland has it
now. When the barn got struck by lightning the car, being parked beside it, was
burned to a crisp. The gas tank exploded and the trunk flew off; it was quite
the spectacular display.
Sorry for the digression. Yes you can push an automatic to start it, and as I
recall it did need to get up to around 30 mph, but most manufacturers recommend
against it. I do not know why.
Jim Wallace