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Subject: NOOOOOO......
From: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 08:51:31 -0330
the bolts of my main bearing cap came off.  my new big breaker wrench
worked.  yeah, there was a nice pop and yeah i did smell cooked oil.  

but i'm not very happy.

my crankshaft is scored.  i talked to my neighbourhood mechanic.  my beloved
tr6 is going to be towed up to his place next week and he's going to pull
the engine.  i'll get the crankshaft reground.  

i hope none of you were expecting christmas gifts from me this year.  well,
i guess i could give one of you a big breaker wrench.  it's almost new.
i'll never use it again.  all it brings is grief.

cheers (he says in a most dejected way),
73 tr6 with severe engineitis.

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