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Re: Sealing gas tank float

To: Angelo Graham <>
Subject: Re: Sealing gas tank float
From: Bob Labuz <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2000 17:44:53 -0500
Organization: Adirondack Minerals
References: <>

This might sound dangerous, but could you some how, maybe with a hair drier,
evaporate the gas and then try soldering the crack or hole?? Or Maybe you
should cut open the float, rinse inside with water and then re solder.

Bob Labuz
1958 TR3A
1974 T140V

Angelo Graham wrote:

> Hello List:
> Asked a question about the tank sending unit gasket earlier. Another
> question along the same lines.
> Thought I could detect a bit of gas sloshing around my float when I removed
> the sending unit. Any way to seal the float so it doesn't leak? Thought
> about using some model plane "hot fuel proof dope" to seal the seams. Would
> this work or is there some sort of epoxy magic out there for this type of
> application?
> Thanks again,
> Angelo Graham
> '55 TR2

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