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Re: Adios amigos

Subject: Re: Adios amigos
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 23:06:27 PST
>Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 10:59:46 -0500 From: Henry Frye <> 
>Subject: Adios amigos
>Hi gang,
><snip> I'm a 5+ year veteran of the Triumph's List, so this is  the end of 
>an era for me. I'm unsubscribing from the Triumphs list.
><snip>I find it so hard to believe that so many people out there don't have 
>the slightest clue what "list etiquette" is, and >what constitutes "no 
>value added" posts...

Hi Henry,

As another long time list member I'm sorry to see you go. I wonder what some 
of the off topic posters would have done back in the days when all we had 
were usenet newsgroups...
Does anyone have a link to the original "usenet netiquette guide"?

I'll stay subscribed because I'm about to replace the floors in my TR-4 and 
for the entertainment value... You must admit the "BFH" series has been 
amusing at least;^).

One tip for those who have problems with the volume and/or content of mail 
on the list. I use a hotmail account that I can ignore if I want to receive 
my digests. That way I only have to read the list when I feel like it.

Well good luck Henry. Keep your Triumphs on the road, we'll be looking for 


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR-4

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  • Adios amigos, Henry Frye
    • Re: Adios amigos, john matthews <=