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Re: window seals and TOTT?

To: "Boothroyd, Frank" <>, "" <>
Subject: Re: window seals and TOTT?
From: Rob Christopher <>
Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2000 10:39:11 -0500
References: <8F20ED862399D311B3A9009027AFCA7B0291049D@iris.northatlantic>
Frank et al

I made my own "BL Door Seal Installation Tool" from a backing plate from an old
PC.  It's one of those thin pieces of metal you take off the back when you plug
a new card into a slot.  I bent the right angle part to close it up a bit, put
a little piece of scoth tape inside to hold the clip in place.  I also drilled
a hole near the other end to put a screwdriver shaft through.  Put the clip in
the hooked part, hold the seal to the door, and pull up vigorously using the
screwdriver "handle".

I installed both outer seals in under five minutes with this tool (and only
dropped one clip into each door)

Hope my description is clear.

Rob Christopher
74.5 TR6  CF28217UO   (currently undergoing cosmetic surgery after an encounter
with a tree)
Ottawa, ON

"Boothroyd, Frank" wrote:

> Hi folks.  Am I being original?  Am I the first person to make an acronym
> out of "Tricks Of The Trade"?  Probably not, but regardless - does anyone
> know the TOTT for getting window seals put on the doors of a TR6?  I ordered
> in the new seals and the new clips and thought (silly me) that installation
> would be easy.  It ain't - not for my less than agile fingers.  I've removed
> the windows from the doors thinking that would help (I needed to anyway so I
> could rejuvenate the window roller-up/down mechanism thingies) and their
> removal does give me more space to work - but it also means (I think) the
> windows won't go back in.  And I'm not hanging curtains there.
> So any advice?  Any TOTT? (as you can tell, I'm rather proud of the
> acronym!)  Do the clips go on the door first then slide the seals in?  Or
> are the clips put on the seals first?  Does one lubricate and/or use a
> special BL Door Seal Installation Tool ($95.00 NOS)?
> (and what's the address for the archives that I understand are now up again
> and running?).
> Thanks for any assistance/insights/opinions/TOTT you can offer.
> Frank
> 73 TR6

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