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Re: "Smokin" TR4

Subject: Re: "Smokin" TR4
From: Randall Young <>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 10:33:25 -0800
References: <>
Gary :

I'm inclined to doubt the dampers, since they would most likely leak all
the time and hence be empty every time you let the engine sit
overnight.  Even if they leak only when the engine's running, the loss
of oil should be very obvious.

My guess would be worn intake valve guides, and a healthy oil supply to
the rockers.  The guides have manifold vacuum trying to pull the oil
through, and hence leak much more when vacuum is high, like idle or
during a shift.  If you have someone follow you, I'll bet they can see a
puff of smoke at every shift, too.

59 TR3A daily driver

Gary Allgood wrote:
> All,
> Looking for some insight into possible cause(s) for my TR4 smoking
> intermittently. I have found that if I sit at a traffic light for a period
> of time and idling, that when I accelerate fairly hard I leave a healthy
> cloud of smoke.
> I believe it could possibly be the carbs, due to the fact the dampers may
> be leaking?
> Any experience with this?

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