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Re: "Smokin" TR4

To: Gary Allgood <>
Subject: Re: "Smokin" TR4
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 09:00:32 -0700
References: <>
What color is the smoke???


Gary Allgood wrote:
> All,
> Looking for some insight into possible cause(s) for my TR4 smoking
> intermittently. I have found that if I sit at a traffic light for a period
> of time and idling, that when I accelerate fairly hard I leave a healthy
> cloud of smoke.
> I believe it could possibly be the carbs, due to the fact the dampers may
> be leaking?
> Any experience with this?
> Thanks to all.
> Gary
> Gary Allgood
> 62 TR4 CT/3597-LO

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