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Re: Fw: Request to join CTRIUMPH denied

To: Gary Allgood <>
Subject: Re: Fw: Request to join CTRIUMPH denied
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 12:17:48 -0500
Cc: Phil Ethier <>,
References: <>
Gary Allgood wrote:
> >I found this message very interesting for two reasons:
> >
> >1)  I have no idea why the moderator of CTRIUMPH would deny my request to
> >join.
> >
> >2)  I have no idea what CTRIUMPH is, nor any recollection of attempting to
> >join it.
> I received the same kind of spam trash from a fake eBay list I never knew
> of nor signed up for.  What's next?

  I'll try a guess.

  CTRIUMPH *MAY* be a semi-private list just set up by a couple
of guys. I have a local list on my server just for a few friends
and our british cars.

  Hypothetically, if I were to post to this mailing list and
cc my list-of-friends, then you were to reply to all, you
would be sending a letter to my local british car list.

  ...when my listserver saw that, it would bounce your message
because you were not a member. As well, if that was processed
to me as a subscribe attempt, I wouldn't accept the subscribe
attempt. (although I personally would email you and say why
you probably didn't want to be on the list anyways...)

  Just a guess.


Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"This is just between me and you, smashed hat." - Apu

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