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Re: Gasket Holes

To: Michael Ferguson <>
Subject: Re: Gasket Holes
From: Joe Curry <>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 2000 23:24:24 -0700
References: <>
The best way to make holes in home made gaskets is with a ball peen hammer.  
Just lay the gasket material onto the surface that it will
meet and tap around the sharp edge of the unit with the ball peen to cut the 
material.  THe holes will be perfect as long as you hold
the gasket in place without allowing it to slip.


P.S. Don't try this on aluminum parts or you might mess up the surface.

Michael Ferguson wrote:
> For years, I've been meaning to buy a set of hole punches. From time to
> time, I need to make a gasket of some sort and always have to hack out a
> bolt hole with a razor blade or something equally crude. Today. I had to
> replace my water pump (had a spare pump, but naturally, no gasket). While I
> was out buying the gasket material, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a
> punch or two. Of course, I couldn't find any, but...
> While I was looking through the store trying to find something that would
> work, I remembered how sharp the edges were on the steel finishing washers I
> used awhile back (the raised washers you use when you want to make exposed
> oval-head screws look nice). So, I bought a few of the appropriate size
> washer, placed one on the gasket material and hit it with a hammer - cuts a
> very nice hole.
> I figured I'd get one hole per washer since after one sharp rap with the
> hammer, I thought I'd have a hole (I hoped), but also a flattened washer.
> Not true. The one I used was a bit out of round after cutting three holes,
> but probably good for a few more.  At a few cents each, I think I'll buy a
> few of assorted sizes for next time.
> Anyway, that's my solution to the problem...thought someone else might
> benefit so I wanted to pass it along. Don't know it it'll work on thick cork
> (valve cover gasket stuff), but it's great on paper!
> Michael Ferguson
> 1959 TR3A  TS53990L...O

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