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Gasket Holes

Subject: Gasket Holes
From: "Michael Ferguson" <>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 00:40:03 -0500
For years, I've been meaning to buy a set of hole punches. From time to 
time, I need to make a gasket of some sort and always have to hack out a
bolt hole with a razor blade or something equally crude. Today. I had to
replace my water pump (had a spare pump, but naturally, no gasket). While I
was out buying the gasket material, I decided to bite the bullet and buy a
punch or two. Of course, I couldn't find any, but...

While I was looking through the store trying to find something that would
work, I remembered how sharp the edges were on the steel finishing washers I
used awhile back (the raised washers you use when you want to make exposed
oval-head screws look nice). So, I bought a few of the appropriate size
washer, placed one on the gasket material and hit it with a hammer - cuts a
very nice hole.

I figured I'd get one hole per washer since after one sharp rap with the
hammer, I thought I'd have a hole (I hoped), but also a flattened washer.
Not true. The one I used was a bit out of round after cutting three holes,
but probably good for a few more.  At a few cents each, I think I'll buy a
few of assorted sizes for next time.

Anyway, that's my solution to the problem...thought someone else might
benefit so I wanted to pass it along. Don't know it it'll work on thick cork
(valve cover gasket stuff), but it's great on paper!

Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A  TS53990L...O

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