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To: Tom Walling & Wendy Rose <>, Triumphs <>, "'Ken Waringa'" <>
Subject: RE: VTR SE
From: Don Marshall <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 21:34:14 -0400
At 06:16 PM 9/21/00 -0400, Tom Walling & Wendy Rose wrote:

>If VTR rules allowed giving out the judging forms after the results have
been >tallied and recorded (they don't), it would be in everyone's interest
to enter the >Concours.  That way entrants would have a "check list" of
what they would >have to do to win at a later show.  I won't speculate here
about the reason for >not releasing the judging sheets, but it does make it
a more mysterious process >when they don't.

After I had entered my first concours (Savannah), I approached the judges
to find out what needed improvement and was told the specific judging
sheets would not be made available, primarily to avoid arguments after the
fact.  The chief judge suggested that, to properly prepare a car for
concours, I should get a blank judging sheet and go over the car myself,
asking the question in each area, "Is this correct for the year and model?"
and "Can it be improved upon?"  In his view, that was the best way for each
participant to determine what additional work was needed.  I tried it, and
it's amazingly easy to see what you need to correct or improve.  It also
makes clear how much work is involved in having a truly correct restoration.

Whatever you decide, come on down to Lake City and have fun.  There will be
lots of cars in all categories and conditions..

Don Marshall

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