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To: Triumphs <>, "'Ken Waringa'" <>
Subject: RE: VTR SE
From: Tom Walling & Wendy Rose <>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 18:16:22 -0400

I was filling out my registration form last night and have another question.
What is the difference between Concours and People's Choice Judging?  I
believe Concours is judged on the originality and appearance, considering
how a car came out of the showroom.  People's choice I believe is judged by
the crowd in attendance?????  I'm not sure which to sign up for, if either?

I know these are probably basic questions but this is my first event.  I
appreciate all the responses I got concerning the rallye.  My 71 TR6 is
restored to drive each day.  It has a 20 foot paint job, and runs great (at
the current time, subject to immediate change).

The eternal question... to show or not to show?  Since you describe your car as 
having a "20 foot" paint job (and who cares how well it runs at a car show?) I 
doubt that you'll be in contention for a trophy which ever way you go.  

If VTR rules allowed giving out the judging forms after the results have been 
tallied and recorded (they don't), it would be in everyone's interest to enter 
the Concours.  That way entrants would have a "check list" of what they would 
have to do to win at a later show.  I won't speculate here about the reason for 
not releasing the judging sheets, but it does make it a more mysterious process 
when they don't.

You might as well enter whichever one you think you would enjoy more.  I know 
that's hard to determine if you've never witnessed either one, but just to give 
you a little preview:

The Concours 'd Elegance is a formal, judged event where each entered car is 
judged against a published standard for both  the presence or absence of parts 
or accessories, as well as how well the vehicle has been maintained to the 
original "show room" condition of the car when new.  You will be required to be 
present when the judges are working on your car (they are usually reluctant to 
turn things on and off, move things around in your car, etc.), and must show it 
with the top up if you have one.

The Participant's Choice show is exactly as you surmised, with each entrant 
having a ballot, and the winner is the person with the most votes in their 
"class" (TR3, early TR6, Modified, etc.).  There can be many more classes than 
you might think, limited only by the depth of the host club's pocket when 
purchasing trophies.  You may even have a chance at a trophy if there is such a 
thing as a "diamond-in-the-rough" class (some times there is).  If you enter  
this show, you park your car and do whatever you think will make your car 
appeal to the crowd.  This sometimes includes displaying photos of the 
restoration, scattering stuffed animals around, having a picnic basket sitting 
on the car -- use your imagination, there's seemingly no limit that people will 
go to win in this category.

Again, my strongest advice is the same as it was when you posted your rally 
question... leave any tendency you may have to be a "type-A" person, and just 
enjoy the experience of being there.  Since you're new to the hobby, observe 
how other people display their cars, and figure out what appeals to you.  Do it 
for the fun of it and you will never be disappointed.  If you do it for the 
trophies, you may not find it very rewarding. 

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