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To: TR List <>
Subject: DOT 5
From: J&E <>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:51:01 -0500
Hi List!
        Question: Is all silicone brake fluid the same?
        Thought: If I go in to a auto parts store & I purchase silcone brake
fluid, then two years later when I'm on the road in another state & go,
to a different store, to buy silicone brake fluid [purchasing a
different name brand]. Will this silcone brake fluid be compatable?
        Yes I do carry a spare unit of this stuff in the car now, as the same
brand & from the same store, but does this mean that I should purchase a
case of this stuff to store up in case this store decides to carry a
different brend? Or even more so, If I happen to top up a needing sole
in their car with silicone fluid to their silicone fluid?
        I guess my problem is that I should not lie awake at night thinking of
my car. :>)  -Cosmo Kramer

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