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Signing Off......

Subject: Signing Off......
From: "john matthews" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000 08:45:41 PDT
Dear Sir,

As a list member and Triumph owner I wish to thank you for your excellent 
posts in this forum. As a person I wish you and your family my sincere hopes 
for a full and speedy recovery.

Most of us who have been active real-time list members understand just how 
much time this can take. I find the "digest mode" to be just about right, I 
can scan each digest and respond to just those questions I may have some 
special interest in. With the range of expertise you have presented I'm sure 
this will be much more difficult for you.

Over the past year I have seen many posts and threads which held no interest 
for me, but everytime I saw your name I read on with interest as there was 
sure to be some gem of knowledge there. Reading posts from people like you 
is what keeps me subscribed to the list.

Again, thank you and best wishes.


John Matthews
'61 Herald
'63 TR-4

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