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Re: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?

To: "Musson, Carl" <>, "'Pat'" <>, "TRlist" <>
Subject: Re: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?
From: "robandmaggie" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 22:09:31 -0700charset="iso-8859-1"
References: <>
Carl's right on. When I was young and had way more time than I do now, I did
it from scratch. This time I got a harness and am very thankful. It's worth
the few dollars of extra cost to have the correct colors and to not have a
mountain of extra wire left over.
Rob in Seattle
----- Original Message -----
From: Musson, Carl <>
To: 'Pat' <>; TRlist <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 8:57 PM
Subject: RE: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?

> You don't say whether the harnesses in the pile are new or used.   If new,
> definitely use it and save yourself some aggravation.  If used, you may be
> better off building your own or getting a new one as you will need to
> continuity of each strand of wire as well as determine if it is all
> But then again you say money/time is an issue and checking/re-working a
> one will definitely save you money - but not time.
> JM2CW...
> Carl
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pat []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:18 PM
> To: TRlist
> Subject: Wireing TR3 from scratch or not ?
> Well list, I know I'm asking alot of questions before I really need to
> but if I can't work too much on my car due to money/time then I can at
> plan and build it on paper !!
> The question of the day is:
> Many people I talk to say to wire up the car from scratch your self, do
> use a Lucus harness - it is easier and more reliable (But does that not
> depend on the person ?). I appreciate replies that say "It's easy, do it
> your self" which I'm sure to get.. but as I said "Easy" is dependant on
> person. I know I CAN do it, but I need documeted help.
> I have two wire harness's in my box of stuff....
> What is your experiance ?
> Do I use a harness ?
> >From scratch ?
> Have some one do it for me ?
> Does anyone has a step by step procedure that they followed or created ?
> Thanks alot "List". You all have been very kind and helpfull....
>  Pat

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