While the list is on the topic of beer, I've been drinking an Italian
beer called "Moretti" and it is the smoothest dark beer I've ever driven.
FWIW. I never gave Italian beers a second thought. Now I stock up at
Trader Joe's.
Bill Brewer
Tehachapi, CA
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill Elliott" <wcelliot@concentric.net>
To: <triumphs@autox.team.net>
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: six pack in auz
> <<It's my impression that Fosters used to be a better beer than it is
> now. Or maybe I got more discriminating. In any case, if I had a can
> of Fosters and a can of Miller Genuine Draft in front of me, it'd be a
> toss up as to which I'd drink.>>
> You realize, of course, that the Fosters we enjoy now in the US is not
> the same Fosters we used to get. The new stuff is brewed in Canada and
> is significantly inferior to the real stuff. They do have a "Bitter"
> variety (green can) now and I find it much better than the normal stuff
> in the blue can.
> Of course, I find both vastly superior to MGD, but I still understand
> the point. My fridge contains Fosters, Sprechers (Milwaukee area only...
> exceptional amber), Spotted Cow (WI microbrew), Guiness Draft, and
> Guiness Extra Stout. But I usually drink only Guiness.
> So why the Fosters? What else you gonna drink when you settle down with
> an old Barry Mckenzie movie???
> Bill Elliott
> Lake Barrington, IL