It's my impression that Fosters used to be a better beer than it is
now. Or maybe I got more discriminating. In any case, if I had a can
of Fosters and a can of Miller Genuine Draft in front of me, it'd be a
toss up as to which I'd drink.
Martin "Mr. Beer" Secrest
*not drinking at the moment*
David Massey wrote:
> Message text written by "Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA)"
> >Thankfully, most Australians aren't stupid enough to touch
> (let alone drink) Fosters. I prefer to think of Fosters as
> our gift to the (unsuspecting) world, since no-one in their
> right mind would drink it, and once you've tasted it, you'll
> never go back and order another...
> Frank Biedermann
> <
> Maybe that's why the cans are so large.
> Dave