We can then cut out the floor boards, and do like the Flinstones!
> -----Original Message-----
> From: OHFASTONE@aol.com [mailto:OHFASTONE@aol.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 12:26 PM
> To: 105671.471@compuserve.com; owner-triumphs@autox.team.net;
> spitlist@gte.net
> Cc: triumphs@autox.team.net; Pierre@incognito.com;
> technical@iwnet.screaming.net
> Subject: Re: TR6 Brake screech
> First Joe Curry remared:
> Dave, don't go spreading that anti squeal stuff on the pads.
> It goes on
> the back side. I don't know what results you would get by
> putting it on the pad side, but I wouldn't want to find out.
> Then Dave responded with:
> Boy! Glad you told me. How about if I just take the lines
> off and plug
> them? They wouldn't squeek then, would they?
> So I say, how about removing the brakes altogether? This way
> there is no
> squeal and the parts won't wear out.
> Michael