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RE: TR6 - While the dash pad is out....

Subject: RE: TR6 - While the dash pad is out....
From: "Biedermann, Frank (SSABSA)" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 09:01:17 +0930charset="iso-8859-1"
>      I was wondering what else I could replace to stop the 
> regular water 
>      leak in the windscreen area.
>      I got the car 4 years ago; one of the DPOs replaced the 
> windscreen 
>      without replacing the rubber seal around it.  As a temporary 
>      measure, I used black RTV around it, and also replaced the seal 
>      between the top of the WS and the front edge of the soft top. 
>      No help.


I have/had the same problem with my '6. Everytime I went
around corners in the rain I got a steady stream (later
reduced to a few drops) of water dripping down from the
visor mounts onto either the passenger's or my legs. I
haven't replaced the windscreen seal yet, although I do 
have a replacement and intend to do it as it needs 
replacing, but I have had some luck with replacing the
seal between the soft top and windscreen frame. As I
implied earlier, this has reduced the trickle to a few
drops, and I suspect these will stop when I replace the
windscreen to frame seal. 

One extra thing you might want to check the shape of your 
soft top frame rail - mine appeared to be bowed in the 
middle (perhaps from a shrinking top?) which prevented 
the frame rail to frame seal sealing. In my case you 
could actually see daylight between the top and frame 
(just) above the rear-view mirror. I think then what was 
happening was water was coming in past the seal, hitting 
the ridge in the frame capping, running down the ridge 
and draining through the convenient drain holes in the 
frame (the soft-top anchor holes :-). Obviously this 
wasn't good in terms of waterproofing, so I straightened 
out the frame rail a bit... 

Hope this helps,

Frank Biedermann
69 TR6 PI

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