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BL AM radios in original boxes - interest?

Subject: BL AM radios in original boxes - interest?
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 09:09:05 -0400
Good day, Listers. One of my fellow Ottawa club members alerted me to this,
and in turn I'm wondering if there might be some List interest in this. A
local automotive/tool shop has in its possession a number of original (made
in Canada) BL AM radios, with the 5 preset buttons, in marked BL boxes, with
the original part number sticker (VIN 1026?). These do not come with knobs
or instructions, but are otherwise original. Unfortunately, there are no
AM/FM models, just AM. Lord knows what warehouse they have been sitting in
all these years! Anyone interested in getting one can contact me off-list,
and we can chat. I don't know how much these cost to ship, but I suspect $20
USD for everything would be sufficient. I can also try to get a digital pic.
Cheers, JD

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