I found your story very appropriate to the list. Having the symptoms and
your responses listed, puts me in the same situation and having to think (and
sweat) it through. If you had just said that your Dif blew... I wouldn't have
learned anything about the sounds and warnings to listen for.
Thanks, Bill Hook
> Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 07:24:29 -0700 (PDT)
> From: john donohoe <>
> Subject: RE: Diff Autopsy (quasi-apology)
> Fellow lbc sufferers,
> Please contact me off list if you have an opinion as
> to whether or not this is appropriate list content.
> I'll let "y'all" decide if you are interested in this
> info or not. It's sort of a "warm up" for publication
> in a car mag (John--are you listening?)
> Don't want to bother anyone, just thought sharing my
> experience in this situation might help some other
> poor soul...
> humbly, John Donohoe