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Re: TR3A-Fan removal possibe?

Subject: Re: TR3A-Fan removal possibe?
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 23:42:55 EDT
In a message dated 6/25/00 2:31:45 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Hi Folks,
 There's a big chunk of  missing metal from one of the fan blades that I
 hadn't noticed before(!) - looks like it snapped off where it is riveted.  
 I had installed an electric fan a while back, so I'm thinking of removing
 the engine fan altogether.  Is it possible to do so without removing the
 radiator?  Looks like there is only 3/4" between each securing bolt and the
 I can turn each of the bolts with a wrench but once I start it will be
 irreversible as I can't mark the position of the balance pieces, etc  so I
 thought I'd check with you guys first.

FWIW I have R & R'ed the fan from my TR3B in situ, so to speak. I had to 
basically disconnect the radiator, and jockey it as far forward as possible. 
Wasn't easy, tho' it was probably easier than taking off the front apron, etc.
>From what I have seen in TR3's it may not be possible to do this on all. I 
may have simply been lucky. YMMV.

Ken Nuelle
58 TR3A
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