I've had my Crane unit installed about 5 years now, and it's been great. I
think the secret of success for any electronic device is... don't mount it
in a hot place! Mounting it too near the engine, such as on the firewall,
seems to be a problem on a hot summer day. Mine is on the adjacent inner
fender wall, as far as possible from the engine, but still easy to wire
neatly to the distributor. Having a thermostatically controlled electric
fan also helps to keep the engine compartment cooler. (I'll never win a
concours!) For the first year I carried a spare set of points and
condenser, but I don't even to that any more.
Sumner Weisman
62 TR3B
Date: Sun, 25 Jun 2000 08:29:57 -0400
From: David Massey <105671.471@compuserve.com>
Subject: Pertronix Ignitor (Was: Running Question / Electrical)
Message text written by "Kai M. Radicke"
>Well first of all, when I purchased my Ignitor in Feb of 1999 and
>it I spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out why the car wasn't
>running well. It eventually was found that the Ignitor's magnetic collar
>only had four working magnets in it! I call to Pertronix and they
>sent out a replacement collar. Tuned the car since then, and it was
>alright... but there have been times with the mysterious misses at highway
>speeds. And I know when I was running points and condensor from purchase
>of the car in Dec of 1998, until Feb of 1999 I had no problems... even
>this was in the depths of the PA winter.
The Crane unit comes with about six interupter wheels to cover any and all
four, six and eight cylinder applications. But even when you make things
fool proof they make a better fool. I heard of a case where a TR6 owner
had a Crane profesionally installed and the lads put in a four slot
>I just am not happy with it, and for the $95 retail price I can think of
>reason to do away with the points and condensor. I haven't seen any
>improvement from it, and it seems many people's professional opinions of
>unit isn't that great.
The Crane is about the same price and provides no performance improvements
but I have experienced, nor have I heard of any low voltage problems. In
fact, most report improved cold starting. And there is the advantage of
"set it once and forget it."